On a support page, the company said that removals will start on February 7, and the list of games include several classics from the Xbox 360 as well as some original Xbox games. In a statement shared with Gematsu (via Windows Central), Microsoft also confirmed that delisted games that are backwards compatible on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S consoles will remain available to purchase on the Microsoft Store. Moreover, Xbox 360 owners will still be able to play these delisted games if they don’t uninstall them or if they keep the discs. “Beginning on February 7, 2023, a limited set of games, add-ons, and in-game content will no longer be purchasable in select markets via the Xbox 360 Store,” a Microsoft spokesperson said.
“These titles will no longer be purchasable on the Xbox 360 Store only, and titles that are available to be purchased on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S Stores will remain purchasable. You will still be able to play discs or previously downloaded games on your Xbox 360 and modern consoles if they are backwards compatible titles.